Monday, 20 September 2010

New Term, New Pattern!

It's a new term at Hogwarts and already I am getting behind with my homework! Alas I have too many extra-curricular activities keeping me from my quill and parchment, so shan't be able to do the set homweork to get to know my classmates as it looks like a very time-consuming task. I have very much enjoyed reading all the messages I've received from fellow students who were giving the assignment the proper effort.

The last few days I have had various freinds and family staying with me as we were all attending a course of advanced magic together. Houseguests included my brother and his wife, a young cousin of ours, and a friend who flew over from Switzerland especially to be with us. It was lots of fun being with them and we all learned so much on the course.

Recently I published a new shawl pattern of which i am very proud. My dear sister, Lizzie Wychwood, knitted the sample and it was modeled (in my garden) by a good friend of ours.