Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Spoiled Witch!

Yes, my package from Celestina Pettigrew arrived this morning. I was sitting outside at the back of the cottage (wrapped in a blanket because despite the June sunshine it is definitely a cool day) when a heavily laden owl fluttered down and halted beside my chair.

I was so excited to see the package, realising instantly who it was from. Celestina spoiled me royally last summer, and she has done it again! :0)

Check out the Ravenclaw wrappings:


1) Green yarn (my favourite colour) a rubber stamp specially made for me with a heart flower and 'Ann Kingstone Designs' on it, a packet of treats, a beaded row counting gadget, and a Rita Skeeter kit.

Celestina very cleverly worked to meet my needs as a designe in this kit.

She used the rubber stamp to decorate the beaded counter:


This is a wonderful handmade notepad cover with pockets for colouring pencils (included) and containing a notepad of squared paper (Celestina has clearly realised that I do a lot of charting for my designs).

Check out the magical internal cover:

 A generous-sized Ravenclaw satchel bearing a beaitfully embroidered Ravenclaw crest.

Close-up of the crest for you - beautiful!

A very cute mini Ravenclaw sock (I love the patterning - well done Celestina!) on a mini-blocker and keyring fastened to a bag of goodies - various chocolates and a mini shell bottle (for perfume?):

And the Rita Skeeter kit - a newsboy hat, Rita-style glasses, Quick Quotes quill and notepad:

Celestina, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You!!!

Friday, 11 June 2010

Lonely Witch :0(

Mr. Wigworthy and the boys have gone camping without me!

They've gone off for a weekend of magical fun on a camp exclusively for wizards. They're well equipped, although their tent isn't quite up to the standard of the one the Weasleys biorrow from Mr. Perkins. Only two bedrooms and a very small kitchen area for the Wigworthys. Snug!!

The boys were particularly excited, especially as their cousin, Lizzie's son was going with them too. They are looking forward to all kinds of crazy activities - a wet and soapy slide, climbing, campfire singsongs, and a party, for which they had to take buns. I admit, I didn't make the buns myself but ordered them from Madam Puddifoot's teashop in Hogsmeade. She makes such delightful fairy cakes!

So, here I am, forlorn and forsaken! ;0)

Luckily I have the excitement of my meeting tomorrow with the Lord Mayor of Coventry to keep my spirits up. I've been madly preparing for it. A new hairdo, clothes laundered, knitting supplies bagged up, etc... I've even bought a wonderful artefact from Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment that will magically guide me to the location in Coventry of this stupendous event. I'll be sure to tell you full details of the meeting when I next write here. Until then, may you find pleasure in all of your stitches. :0)

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Lord Mayor of Coventry

I just found out that next Saturday I will be teaching the Lord Mayor of Coventry to knit!

Here he is with his wife (the lady Mayoress):

It is to be World Wide Knit in Public day, and the organiser of UK Knit Camp has asked me to go to Coventry for this immense honour. Jo lives in Coventry and owns a yarn shop there. Information about the event can be found by grabbing this portkey: