Saturday, 17 April 2010

Care of Magical Creatures

Five items that are used in caring for unicorns:

Silver horn polish:

Grooming brush:

Tool for removing stones from hooves:

Hay rack (during hard winters unicorns are only able to survive because of the food that magical folk put out for them):

Blanket (a comfort in cold weather, and essential for ailing unicorns):

1. Please describe the physical appearance of a house elf.
Short with pointy ears and long thin limbs.

2. Kreacher is the house elf of which wizarding family?
The Blacks

3. What is Hermione Granger making for the house elves?
Hats, scarves and socks.

4. How do you free a house elf?
Give it clothes.

5. What does S.P.E.W. stand for?
Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare
I made this little hat for the UK branch of SPEW:


Lizzie Wychwood said...

I love the silver horn polish!

Hermione Bagnold said...

I love how the paint detail on the grooming brush! It's very pretty!